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Indian horse names

Many Native American tribes were legendary for their horsemanship skills and love of the horse. Here are some Native American words that might make an interesting horse name.

Koda - Dakota Sioux - meaning, friend

Donoma - Omaha -meaning, sight of the sun

Kachina - Hopi - meaning, sacred dancer

Wakanda - Sioux - meaning, possesses magic power

Akecheta - Sioux - meaning, fighter

Matoskah - Sioux - meaning, white bear

Helushka - Winnebago - fighter

Kangee - Sioux - meaning, raven

Paytah - Sioux - meaning, fire

Adsila - Cherokee - meaning, blossom.

Kiwidinok - Cheyenne - meaning, of the wind

Magaskawee - Sioux - meaning, graceful

Niabi - Osage - meaning, fawn

Geronimo - A famous Apache Chief

Sitting Bull - A famous Sioux Chief

Tecumseh - A famous Shawnee chief

Crazy Horse - A famous Sioux chief

Sunkawakan - Means Holy Dog, the Lakota word for horse.

Sunka Pejuta - Lakota for Medicine Dog.

Sunka Manitou - Lakota name for wolf, means Sacred Dog.

Wahp Tanka - Lakota, means Blackbird

Heca - Lakota, means Buzzard

Pehan - Lakota, means Crane

Kangi - Lakota, means Crow

Wakinyela - Lakota, means Dove

Wanbli - Lakota, means Eagle

Sunlata - Lakota, means Flicker

Canska - Lakota, means Red Leg Hawk

Siyo - Lakota, means Grouse

Pisko - Lakota, means Night Hawk

Hinhan  - Lakota, means Owl.

Sisoka - Lakota, means Robin

Wagnuka - Lakota, means Woodpecker

Pispiza - Lakota, means Prarie Dog

Hoka - Lakota, means Badger

Mazaska - Lakota, means Dollar

Tokeya - Lakota, means First

Hehaka - Lakota, means Elk

Mato - Lakota, means Bear

Mato Sapa - Lakota, means Black Bear

Mazasu - Lakota, means Bullet

Tacanta - Lakota, means Buffalo Heart

Hoksicala - Lakota, means Baby.

Masleca - Lakota, means Coyote

Wakangli - Lakota, means Lightening

Wiyaka - Lakota, means Feather

Ecanles - Lakota, means contrary

Cincala - Lakota, means Colt

Kimimila - Lakota, means Butterfly

Ohitika -Lakota, means Brave.




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