Aids for the horse to step into the canter

There are three ways to ask for the canter depart while on the flat, which may be used according to the horse’s level of training. The rider may ask for a canter depart (aids for the horse to step into the canter) on the flat from trot, walk, or halt. Additionally, the rider may ask for the canter as the horse jumps a fence (if the fence was taken at the walk, trot, or halt) or may ask for the horse to switch leads over the fence. Aids for the horse to step into the canter »»

Riding aids fall into two categories

Riding aids are the cues a rider gives to a horse to communicate what they want the animal to do. Riding aids are broken into the natural aids and the artificial aids. Lets learn about the different aids available to the equestrian and well trained horse. Riding aids fall into two categories »»