The Jennet

Spanish Jennet

A jennet or Spanish jennet was a small Spanish horse noted for a smooth naturally ambling gait, compact and well-muscled build, and a good disposition. The jennet was an ideal light riding horse, and provided some of the foundation bloodstock for several horse breeds in the Americas. The Jennet »»

Austria Horse Breeds

Austria has nine living horse breeds and one extinct horse breed. Austria Horse Breeds »»

The Anglo-Norman horse

Anglo-Norman stallion

The Anglo-Norman horse was a warmblood horse breed developed in Lower Normandy in northern France. A major center of horse breeding, the area had numerous regional types that were bred to one another and then crossed with Thoroughbreds to form the Anglo-Norman. The Anglo-Norman horse »»

The Neapolitan horse

Neapolitan horse

The Neapolitan Horse, also known as Cavallo (Itallian), Napoletano, Neapolitano or Napolitano, is a horse breed that originated in the plains between Naples and Caserta, in the Campania region of Italy, but which may have been bred throughout the Kingdom of Naples. The Neapolitan horse »»

The Ferghana horse

Gansu Flying Horse

Ferghana horses were one of China’s earliest major imports, originating in an area in Central Asia. These horses, were depicted on Tang dynasty pottery. The Han dynasty bronze statuette Gansu Flying Horse is most likely a depiction of this breed.

Dayuan, north of Bactria, was a nation centered in the Ferghana Valley of present-day Central Asia, and even as early as the Han dynasty, China projected its military power to that area. The Han imperial regime required Ferghana horses and imported such great numbers of them that the rulers of Ferghana closed their borders to such trade. The Ferghana horse »»